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Last full day in Bergen

We had set aside this time in Bergen to get our feet under us, to get over the jet leg, and make sure we were ready to launch.  It reminds me of when we bought an ocean boat and took it out on a lake first to make sure the thing wouldn't sink.  Well I guess we are afloat and tomorrow we launch but it was great to have one more full day in Bergen.   Run, email, school work and reading filled the morning.  It was then time to explore and we were off to the KODE museums, as series of 4 art museums in the heart of Bergen that were fun, approachable and had some amazing art.  I loved this quote that I placed in the pictures how Munch "wanted to paint the basics themes of the modern inner life: love, anxiety and death" and that was the late 1800's.  Is that not always the them of inner life, modern or not?   Love, anxiety and death.  He sought to display these inner emotions upfront, in plane view on the canvas so these "moments could be communicated across space and time."   How beautiful it is to embrace and share our inner life.

I have so many pictures like this from toddlers to now teenagers. I am always in awe of these three.

Little one in a big world. She found this center point in the room that was amazing, if you taped your foot it echoed again and again like a series of dominos hitting each other but going further away. It really did not echo your voice however and the room somehow basically muffled all the sounds.

Reflecting on Picasso's use of the high pony tail.

This quote about Munch's work stuck a cord with me and the museum filled with is work was a powerful sight.

I loved how in this one is the person who died is light and every one else is in black and each with their own ghostly quality with the room almost melting around them.

The kids part of the museum was a blast. I loved how they used natural light, physical expressions of balance and the unexpected to tie together all they had just seen in the rest of the museum. This was right after a sweet dream theme kids exhibit.

Two sister Picasso style self portrait.

These two, after school work and art museums they were ready to run free. While we were distracted talking to another couple from the Washington DC, these two were planning out a whole play with nothing more than what we had with us and which used the whole front steps of the local theater.

Ok, I just can not get enough of all of these potted plants. You know it is the little things in life, the potted plants, the colorfully painted walls. They are like small treasures or little gifts each of these residents have left by the door step to greet us as we pass by. They are not elaborate, no landscape architect needed, but they bring such great joy each morning. I want to find more ways to share those little bits of joy for no other reason than to make someone else day.