Getting a different perspective - Mt Hesten

The kids had been working hard all morning and the weather started to break, so in the afternoon we ventured out again.  The rains came and went, but you could see the blue sky pushing apart the clouds as we drove to the next fjord over to go for an afternoon jaunt. Our plan was to climb Mt. Hesten, the sister of the famous Mt. Segla;  it was reported to be a nice hike with a good view of the stunning peak. To date, this has been my favorite hike of the trip.  The hike was a nice 5-mile loop continuously walking under, next to, or staring directly at the face of Mt. Segla.  Blueberries filled the valley.  There were only a few people and you could see the whole path, so the kids could just roam freely.  The top required some scrambling, some 5th class dirt moves and an amazing ridge hike connecting the two peaks.  The kids were in an energetic great mood and the weather kept coming and going around us, making the whole scene more dramatic.   

I love thinking about this peak, always there to welcome anyone who needs a change in scenery.  Regardless of the weather, the events of the day or the drama, Mt. Hesten and Mt. Selga stand yin-and-yang to each other, providing different perspectives on the same landscape and encouraging those who climb them to view things from all sides.   

Little one, singing to her self, making her way up on her own.

Little one, singing to her self, making her way up on her own.

Celebrating the exposure at the top as the clouds come and go around us.

Celebrating the exposure at the top as the clouds come and go around us.

These two! As you can see we are starting to use every piece of clothing, we brought. This hike was our coldest to date.

These two! As you can see we are starting to use every piece of clothing, we brought. This hike was our coldest to date.

Having fun with the drone on the top.

Having fun with the drone on the top.

Little one getting a closer look

Little one getting a closer look

More views off the top

More views off the top

Down the ridge that connect the two peaks.

Down the ridge that connect the two peaks.

Ahh, it reminds me of the mountains in Patagonia where we met.

Ahh, it reminds me of the mountains in Patagonia where we met.

The blue berries bushes worked double duty holding up my phone and providing snacks!

The blue berries bushes worked double duty holding up my phone and providing snacks!

A warming ski shack at the bottom also was filled with these reindeer hides and a fun end to a fun afternoon jaunt.

A warming ski shack at the bottom also was filled with these reindeer hides and a fun end to a fun afternoon jaunt.