Leaving Norway, the sun shined brightly, and the fall colors were on full display making departing Norway just that much harder. Our flight to Croatia took us on an overnight layover in Helsinki Finland. Using the chance to see a bit more of the world, we took the train into downtown and then walked the last few kilometers to our hotel, grateful again for our small bags. The streets were packed, and the whole city had and edgy postmodern feel to it; a hipster, seafaring city vibe that felt all new, exciting and slightly sad all at the same time. Our hotel, designed like a shipping port was both luxurious, and industrial at the same time. We were directed to the “naughty burger” for dinner. Reportedly some famous chief won a bunch of awards and then opened this relatively inexpensive and noteworthy joint. Rainstorms came and went, and the little one (who was in charge of navigation) found our way to the best burger I have ever had in my life. Not sure what sort of magic was in the bacon jam, blue cheese, homemade roll, arugula thing he did with the signature burger, but it was good. Returning home the girls loved the luxury of a bubble bath, before our early flight the next morning.
The map on our wall. As the year moves on I have loved maps more and more. Just a beautiful ways to share what a place is, and so many different ways to do it.
The end of the train line, I thought I walked into Atlas Shrugged.
Little great traveling, making her way to our home for the night.
Ahh, the bubble bath!